

Appearing right after Wordle, Squaredle is a game that appears a lot on websites and social networks today. This is a simple game like the familiar word games. It would be like an extended version of Wordle. At version

You will have 5 lines of words to guess the correct sequence of words, if you move the crossword and see that the color of that word turns green, that word is already in its correct position. If the letter turns brown, it belongs to a word in the vertical line. If it turns yellow, the letter is correct, but in the wrong position in the horizontal line in the word to be guessed. The color of the crosswords will gradually change after each guess, helping you know how accurate your guess is. This game is similar to the game of eliminating numbers in a given sequence to find the final answer. The only difference is that you have to remove the letters from the five-letter binding on the other.


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